Tuesday, September 25, 2012

In the Beginning...

      I am obsessed with horror movies and am constantly on the lookout for that one movie that has it all: an intriguing story, good acting, plenty of "cover your eyes" scares and a satisfying end.   This has been a lifelong search for me and I think that it is safe to say, especially after watching a number of stink bomb movies that my journey is not over. 
     It all started when I was a very young child living a somewhat idyllic life on Cape Cod.  I think that the first horror movie that I can remember and remember being afraid of was Jaws.  I was afraid to sit in a bathtub let alone go to the beach.  But, I also loved the fear .  I thought I was tempting fate by sticking my toes in the water to see what would happen.  Would the shark jump out of the water to gobble me up? Or would it sneak up on me when I wasn't looking.  Believe it or not, I think this is where the line between fear and curiosity started to thin and blend.  The next movie that comes to mind also has a beach theme, Blood Beach.  I am not sure at all where I would have seen this movie.  It came out in 1981, so I would have been 8 years old.  Would you let an 8 year old watch a movie about a sand dwelling creature that sucked people down through the sand and then spewed up gallons upon gallons of blood?  Not sure I would, but somebody did.  Thanks, Mom and Dad.  This is also why every time I went to the beach, I tiptoed through the sand thinking that at any moment I would get sucked down.  This is also when I started to walk through the grass in the dunes to outsmart the creature that I KNEW was there somewhere.
     It is going to take me a while to go through and try to remember every horror movie that I have ever seen, while also watching and critiquing current movies, especially foreign ones.  My ultimate goal is to create a database that people can refer to when they are looking for either specific movies or just a good old-fashioned horror movie.  Here I go!!